(210) 828-6033 info@welmakerlawfirm.com

What to do if you’ve been injured in an accident with a car while riding a rented electric scooter.

Your Rights When Injured In an Accident While Riding A Rented Electric Scooter

Accidents can occur anywhere, anytime. But few experiences are as devastating as getting hit by a car when you’re on a rented electric scooter. These fast-growing modes of transportation offer convenience but, without the protective shell of a car, riders are vulnerable to severe injuries when involved in collisions.

Potential Injuries from a Collision with a Moving Vehicle:

  • Traumatic brain injuries or concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Abrasions and road rash
  • Internal bleeding
  • Contusions and bruises
  • Dental injuries
  • Psychological trauma and PTSD

What To Do If You Are Involved In An Accident On A Rented Electric Scooter:

Ensure safety: Move out of the road and to a safe location if possible. (get out of the street if you’re able to move safely)
Call 911: Seek immediate medical attention even if injuries seem minor at first.
Document everything: Take photos of the scene, the scooter, the vehicle involved, and any injuries.
Collect details: Get the driver’s information, license plate, and insurance details.
Witnesses: Gather contact details of any witnesses present at the scene.
Report to the scooter rental company: Notify them about the accident and any damage to the scooter.
Avoid discussing fault: Do not admit or discuss blame at the scene.

Your Rights When Injured In an Accident While Riding A Rented Electric Scooter

Accidents can occur anywhere, anytime. But few experiences are as devastating as getting hit by a car when you’re on a rented electric scooter. These fast-growing modes of transportation offer convenience but, without the protective shell of a car, riders are vulnerable to severe injuries when involved in collisions.

Potential Injuries from a Collision with a Moving Vehicle:

  • Traumatic brain injuries or concussions
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Abrasions and road rash
  • Internal bleeding
  • Contusions and bruises
  • Dental injuries
  • Psychological trauma and PTSD

What To Do If You Are Involved In An Accident On A Rented Electric Scooter:

  1. Ensure safety: Move out of the road and to a safe location if possible.
  2. Call 911: Seek immediate medical attention even if injuries seem minor at first.
  3. Document everything: Take photos of the scene, the scooter, the vehicle involved, and any injuries.
  4. Collect details: Get the driver’s information, license plate, and insurance details.
  5. Witnesses: Gather contact details of any witnesses present at the scene.
  6. Report to the scooter rental company: Notify them about the accident and any damage to the scooter.
  7. Avoid discussing fault: Do not admit or discuss blame at the scene.
  8. Seek legal advice: Before accepting any settlements or speaking to insurance companies.

If You Are A Witness To Such An Accident:

  1. Ensure safety: First, check if you’re safe and then assist others.
  2. Call 911: Report the accident and request medical help if needed.
  3. Offer help: Assist the injured person but avoid moving them unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Provide your details: Give your contact information to the injured party for future reference.
  5. Make a statement: If law enforcement arrives, provide a detailed account of what you witnessed.
  6. Stay at the scene: Until help arrives or until you’re certain your assistance is no longer required.

Seek Expert Legal Counsel

In the wake of such an accident, it’s vital to be guided by experts who understand the intricacies of personal injury law. If you or someone you know is involved in a scooter accident, consider reaching out to the Welmaker Law Firm at 210-828-6033 for a free consultation.

Forrest Welmaker is certified in personal injury law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. While hiring a board-certified attorney doesn’t cost extra, it guarantees that you will be represented by someone with specialized training, skills, and expertise in the area of law. At Welmaker Law Firm, you’ll be ensured great representation for your case.

Remember, accidents can be life-altering. Ensuring you have the right legal support can make all the difference in the world during your path to recovery.

Before accepting any settlements or speaking to insurance companies.
If You Are A Witness To Such An Accident:

Ensure safety: First, check if you’re safe and then assist others.
Call 911: Report the accident and request medical help if needed.
Offer help: Assist the injured person but avoid moving them unless absolutely necessary.
Provide your details: Give your contact information to the injured party for future reference.
Make a statement: If law enforcement arrives, provide a detailed account of what you witnessed.
Stay at the scene: Until help arrives or until you’re certain your assistance is no longer required.
Seek Expert Legal Counsel

In the wake of such an accident, it’s vital to be guided by experts who understand the intricacies of personal injury law. If you or someone you know is involved in a scooter accident, consider reaching out to the Welmaker Law Firm at 210-828-6033 for a free consultation.

Forrest Welmaker is certified in personal injury law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. While hiring a board-certified attorney doesn’t cost extra, it guarantees that you will be represented by someone with specialized training, skills, and expertise in the area of law. At Welmaker Law Firm, you’ll be ensured great representation for your case.

Remember, accidents can be life-altering. Ensuring you have the right legal support can make all the difference in the world during your path to recovery.